\newcommand{\mat}[1]{ \begin{pmatrix} #1 \end{pmatrix} }
\newcommand{\inv}[1]{ {#1}^{-1} }
\newcommand{\norm}[1]{ \left\| #1 \right\| }
\newcommand{\argmin}[1]{ \underset{#1}{\mathrm{argmin}} }
\newcommand{\argmax}[1]{ \underset{#1}{\mathrm{argmax}} }
\newcommand{\st}{\ \mathrm{s.t.}\ }
\newcommand{\inner}[1]{\langle #1 \rangle}
\newcommand{\ddd}[2]{\frac{\partial #1}{\partial #2} }
\newcommand{\lim}{\mathrm{lim}\ }
& #2\block{#4} & \overset{#2\block{#6}}\longrightarrow & #2\block{#5} & \\
{#1}_{#4} \hspace{-1.5em} &\downarrow & & \downarrow & \hspace{-1.5em} {#1}_{#5}\\
& #3\block{#4} & \underset{#3\block{#6}}\longrightarrow & #3\block{#5} & \\
#1 & \overset{#4}\longrightarrow & #2 & \\
#6 \hspace{-1em} & \searrow & \downarrow & \hspace{-1em} #5 \\
& & #3 &
& #2\block{#4} & \overset{#2\block{#6}}\longrightarrow & #2\block{#5} & \\
{#1}_{#4} \hspace{-1.5em} &\downarrow \uparrow & & \downarrow \uparrow & \hspace{-1.5em} {#1}_{#5}\\
& #3\block{#4} & \underset{#3\block{#6}}\longrightarrow & #3\block{#5} & \\
Saddle-Point Systems
General saddle-point systems factor as:
\[\mat{K & -A^T\\ -A & -C} =
\mat{I & \\ -A\inv{K} & I} \mat{K & \\ & -A\inv{K}A^T -C } \mat{I & -\inv{K}A^T \\ & I}\]
We denote the Schur complement by \(S=A\inv{K}A^T +C\). Letting \(C =
0\), a general dual preconditionner \(W\) acts on \(-A\inv{K}A^T\) and
expands to:
\[\mat{I & \\ -A\inv{K} & I} \mat{I & \\ & W} \mat{I & \\ A\inv{K} & I} = \mat{I & \\ (W - I) A\inv{K} & W}\]
The preconditioned saddle-point system has dual part
\(-WA\inv{K}A^T\), which expands to:
\[\mat{I & \\ (W - I) A\inv{K} & W}\mat{K & -A^T\\ -A & 0} = \mat{K & -A^T \\ -A & (I-W)A\inv{K}A^T}\]
It is positive definite whenever \(-W A\inv{K}A^T > 0\)
From the above, a \(LDL^T\) Cholesky decomposition of a KKT system is the following:
\[\mat{K & -A^T\\ -A & -C} =
\mat{I & \\ -A\inv{K} & I} \mat{L_K D_K L_K^T & \\ & -L_S D_S L_S^T } \mat{I & -\inv{K}A^T \\ & I}\]
In other words, we get:
\mat{K & -A^T\\ -A & -C} &=
\mat{L_K & \\ -A\inv{K}L_K & L_S} \mat{D_K & \\ & -D_S} \mat{L_K^T & -L_K^T \inv{K}A^T \\ & L_S^T} \\
&= \mat{L_K & \\ -A L_K^{-T} & L_S} \mat{D_K & \\ & -D_S} \mat{L_K^T & -L_K^{-1} A^T \\ & L_S^T} \\
The inverted system is:
\[\mat{K & -A^T\\ -A & -C}^{-1} =
\mat{I & \inv{K}A^T \\ & I} \mat{K^{-1} & \\ & -\block{A\inv{K}A^T + C}^{-1} } \mat{I & \\ A\inv{K} & I}\]
\[\mat{K & -A^T \\ -A & -C} \mat{0 \\ -z} = \mat{A^Tz \\ Cz}\]
can be used to optimize solves where the right-hand side has the above
form in order to optimize \(A^Tz\) computation.