$$ \newcommand{\RR}{\mathbb{R}} \newcommand{\GG}{\mathbb{G}} \newcommand{\PP}{\mathbb{P}} \newcommand{\PS}{\mathcal{P}} \newcommand{\SS}{\mathbb{S}} \newcommand{\NN}{\mathbb{N}} \newcommand{\ZZ}{\mathbb{Z}} \newcommand{\CC}{\mathbb{C}} \newcommand{\HH}{\mathbb{H}} \newcommand{\ones}{\mathbb{1\hspace{-0.4em}1}} \newcommand{\alg}[1]{\mathfrak{#1}} \newcommand{\mat}[1]{ \begin{pmatrix} #1 \end{pmatrix} } \renewcommand{\bar}{\overline} \renewcommand{\hat}{\widehat} \renewcommand{\tilde}{\widetilde} \newcommand{\inv}[1]{ {#1}^{-1} } \newcommand{\eqdef}{\overset{\text{def}}=} \newcommand{\block}[1]{\left(#1\right)} \newcommand{\set}[1]{\left\{#1\right\}} \newcommand{\abs}[1]{\left|#1\right|} \newcommand{\trace}[1]{\mathrm{tr}\block{#1}} \newcommand{\norm}[1]{ \left\| #1 \right\| } \newcommand{\argmin}[1]{ \underset{#1}{\mathrm{argmin}} } \newcommand{\argmax}[1]{ \underset{#1}{\mathrm{argmax}} } \newcommand{\st}{\ \mathrm{s.t.}\ } \newcommand{\sign}[1]{\mathrm{sign}\block{#1}} \newcommand{\half}{\frac{1}{2}} \newcommand{\inner}[1]{\langle #1 \rangle} \newcommand{\dd}{\mathrm{d}} \newcommand{\ddd}[2]{\frac{\partial #1}{\partial #2} } \newcommand{\db}{\dd^b} \newcommand{\ds}{\dd^s} \newcommand{\dL}{\dd_L} \newcommand{\dR}{\dd_R} \newcommand{\Ad}{\mathrm{Ad}} \newcommand{\ad}{\mathrm{ad}} \newcommand{\LL}{\mathcal{L}} \newcommand{\Krylov}{\mathcal{K}} \newcommand{\Span}[1]{\mathrm{Span}\block{#1}} \newcommand{\diag}{\mathrm{diag}} \newcommand{\tr}{\mathrm{tr}} \newcommand{\sinc}{\mathrm{sinc}} \newcommand{\cat}[1]{\mathcal{#1}} \newcommand{\Ob}[1]{\mathrm{Ob}\block{\cat{#1}}} \newcommand{\Hom}[1]{\mathrm{Hom}\block{\cat{#1}}} \newcommand{\op}[1]{\cat{#1}^{op}} \newcommand{\hom}[2]{\cat{#1}\block{#2}} \newcommand{\id}{\mathrm{id}} \newcommand{\Set}{\mathbb{Set}} \newcommand{\Cat}{\mathbb{Cat}} \newcommand{\Hask}{\mathbb{Hask}} \newcommand{\lim}{\mathrm{lim}\ } \newcommand{\funcat}[1]{\left[\cat{#1}\right]} \newcommand{\natsq}[6]{ \begin{matrix} & #2\block{#4} & \overset{#2\block{#6}}\longrightarrow & #2\block{#5} & \\ {#1}_{#4} \hspace{-1.5em} &\downarrow & & \downarrow & \hspace{-1.5em} {#1}_{#5}\\ & #3\block{#4} & \underset{#3\block{#6}}\longrightarrow & #3\block{#5} & \\ \end{matrix} } \newcommand{\comtri}[6]{ \begin{matrix} #1 & \overset{#4}\longrightarrow & #2 & \\ #6 \hspace{-1em} & \searrow & \downarrow & \hspace{-1em} #5 \\ & & #3 & \end{matrix} } \newcommand{\natism}[6]{ \begin{matrix} & #2\block{#4} & \overset{#2\block{#6}}\longrightarrow & #2\block{#5} & \\ {#1}_{#4} \hspace{-1.5em} &\downarrow \uparrow & & \downarrow \uparrow & \hspace{-1.5em} {#1}_{#5}\\ & #3\block{#4} & \underset{#3\block{#6}}\longrightarrow & #3\block{#5} & \\ \end{matrix} } \newcommand{\cone}[1]{\mathcal{#1}} $$

Category Theory

Some more general abstract nonsense.

  1. Categories
    1. Morphisms
    2. Opposite Category
    3. Product Category
    4. Examples
  2. Functors
    1. Full and Faithful Functors
    2. Diagrams
  3. Natural Transformations
    1. Functor Categories
    2. Natural Isomorphisms
    3. Whiskering
  4. The Yoneda Lemma
    1. Hom Functors
    2. Lemma
    3. Yoneda Embedding
  5. Initial and Terminal Objects
  6. Limits and Colimits
    1. Products
    2. Equalizers
    3. Pushouts
    4. Exponentials
    5. Cones
    6. Limits
    7. Examples
  7. Adjunctions
  8. Monoidal Categories, Monoids, Monads
    1. Algebras
  9. Notes & References


A category \(\mathcal{C}\) is given by the following:

The class of morphisms from \(a\) to \(b\) is denoted by \(\hom{C}{a, b}\). For \(\cat{C}\) to be a category, it must satisfy the following properties:

One can easily check that identity morphisms are unique. When \(\hom{C}{a, b}\) are all sets, the category \(\cat{C}\) is said locally small, which is generally the case for all practical purposes. Likewise, when \(\Hom{C}\) is a set, the category is said small.


A morphism \(f: a \to b\) is called:

Opposite Category

Given one category \(\cat{C}\), one can construct its opposite category \(\op{C}\), obtained from the same objects and reversing all morphisms:

\[f^{op} \in \hom{\op{C}}{b, a} \iff f \in \hom{C}{a, b}\]

Product Category



A preorder on a set can be seen as a locally small category \(\cat{C}\) where the objects are elements of the set and there is exactly one morphism between any two comparable objects:

\[f: a \to b \iff a \leq b\]

Reflexivity and transitivity axioms of the preorder provide the requirements for \(\cat{C}\) to be a category. Associativity comes from the fact that there is at most one morphism between any two objects.


A monoid can be seen as a category with a single object, and where morphisms are the elements of the monoid.


A group is a monoid, so it can also be seen as a category with a single objects and where morphism are the group elements but in this case, every morphism is an isomorphism.


Functors are structure-preserving maps between categories: they preserve identities and composition. Let us consider two categories \(\cat{C}\) and \(\cat{D}\), a functor \(F\) between them is given by:

satisfying the following properties:

\[F\block{\id_c} = \id_{F(c)}\] \[F\block{g \circ f} = F(g) \circ F(f)\]

In particular, functors can never “disconnect” connected objects:

Functors preserve morphism composition, therefore map related objects to related objects

For any category \(\cat{C}\), there exists an identity functor \(\id_{\cat{C}}\) sending every object to itself and acting similarly on morphisms. Likewise, functors can be composed:

\[\begin{align} (F \circ G)(x) &= F(G(x)) \\ (F \circ G)(f: x \to y) &= F(G(f): G(x) \to G(y)): (F \circ G)(x) \to (F \circ G)(y) \\ \end{align}\]

and we immediately check:

In other words, there is a category \(\Cat\) of locally small categories, in which functors are the morphisms. Functor composition is sometimes written \(FG\) instead of \(F \circ G\) for short.

Full and Faithful Functors

Functors between locally small categories induce functions between hom-sets. Let \(F: \cat{C} \to \cat{D}\) be a functor between such categories \(\cat{C}\) and \(\cat{D}\), hom-sets are related by:

\[F_{x, y}: \hom{C}{x, y} \to \hom{D}{F(x), F(y)}\]

The functor \(F\) is said to be:

for every object \(x, y \in \Ob{C}\).


Diagrams let us select patterns (shapes) of interest from a category \(\cat{C}\). Let \(\cat{J}\) be a small or finite category representing our pattern, then an occurence of this pattern in \(\cat{C}\) is simply a structure-preserving mapping from \(\cat{J}\) to \(\cat{C}\). In other words, diagrams \(D\) of shape \(\cat{J}\) in \(\cat{C}\) are just functors between \(\cat{J}\) and \(\cat{C}\):

\[D: \cat{J} \to \cat{C}\]

Natural Transformations

Natural transformations are the categorical equivalent of homotopies: given two categories \(\cat{C}\) and \(\cat{D}\) and two functors \(F: \cat{C} \to \cat{D}\) and \(G: \cat{C} \to \cat{D}\), a natural transformation between \(F\) and \(G\) is a functor:

\[\alpha: \cat{C} \times \cat{I} \to \cat{D}\]

where \(\cat{I}\) is the so-called interval category with a unique non-trivial morphism between two objects:

\[\cat{I} = \overset{0}\cdot \overset{!}\to \overset{1}\cdot\]

and where \(\alpha\) satisfies the following property:

\[\begin{align} \alpha\block{-, 0} &= F \\ \alpha\block{-, 1} &= G \\ \end{align}\]

In other words:

A natural transformation is the categorical equivalent of a continuous transformation between functors (i.e. an homotopy)

Let us fix an object \(x \in \Ob{C}\), the image of morphism \(\block{\id_x, !}\) by \(\alpha\) is a morphism:

\[\alpha\block{\id_x, !}: F(x) \to G(x)\]

called the component of \(\alpha\) at \(x\). Since there is a unique such morphism \(\block{\id_x, !}\) for each \(x\), its image by \(\alpha\) is denoted by \(\alpha_x\). Now let \(f: x \to y\) be a morphism in \(\Hom{C}\), we consider the following morphism in \(\Hom{C \times I}\):

\[(f, !): (x, 0) \to (y, 1)\]

This morphism decomposes as:

\[\begin{align} (f, !) &= \block{f, \id_1} \circ \block{\id_x, !} \\ &= \block{\id_y, !} \circ \block{f, \id_0} \\ \end{align}\]

hence its image by \(\alpha\) satisfies:

\[\begin{align} \alpha(f, !) &= \alpha\block{f, \id_1} \circ \alpha\block{\id_x, !} \\ &= \alpha\block{\id_y, !} \circ \alpha\block{f, \id_0} \\ \end{align}\]

which can be rewritten succintly as:

\[\block{G(f), \id_1} \circ \alpha_x = \alpha_y \circ \block{F(f), \id_0}\]

In other words, the following diagram commutes, meaning that all parallel arrows are equal:


This commutative diagram is called the naturality square for \(\alpha\). The natural transformation \(\alpha\) is completely determined by its components (and associated naturality squares), which are generally used as its definition:

A natural transformation is given by a morphism (component) between each pair of mapped objects, such that this morphism plays nicely with mapped morphisms.

Functor Categories

Given three functors \(F, G, H: \cat{C} \to \cat{D}\) and natural transformations \(\alpha: F \to G\) and \(\beta: G \to H\), their vertical composition \(\beta \circ \alpha\) has components:

\[(\beta \circ \alpha)_x = \beta_x \circ \alpha_x\]

One can easily check the naturality conditions from those of \(\alpha\) and \(\beta\):

\[\begin{matrix} & F(x) & \overset{F(f)}\longrightarrow & F(y) & \\ \alpha_x \hspace{-1.5em} &\downarrow & & \downarrow & \hspace{-1.5em} \alpha_y \\ & G(x) & \overset{G(f)}\longrightarrow & G(y) & \\ \beta_x \hspace{-1.5em} &\downarrow & & \downarrow & \hspace{-1.5em} \beta_y \\ & H(x) & \underset{H(f)}\longrightarrow & H(y) & \\ \end{matrix}\]

Vertical composition is associative since component composition is. Moreover, for any functor \(F: \cat{C} \to \cat{D}\) there exists an identity natural transformation \(\id_F\) from \(F\) to itself, whose components are the identity morphisms:

\[(\id_F)_x: F(x) \to F(x) = \id_{F(x)}\]

Therefore, we just obtained another category called the functor category, denoted by \(\funcat{\cat{C}, \cat{D}}\), where objects are functors from \(\cat{C}\) to \(\cat{D}\) and morphisms are natural transformations.

Natural Isomorphisms

A natural isomorphism is an isomorphism in \(\funcat{\cat{C}, \cat{D}}\): an invertible natural transformation. This is equivalent to requiring that all components are isomorphisms in \(\cat{D}\).

On Naturality

One might wonder what makes natural transformations so natural in the above definition: after all, it seems a bit “bolted-on”. This discussion provides an answer: morphisms in a category \(\cat{C}\) can be seen as functors \(\cat{I} \to \cat{C}\) (selecting morphisms) and in particular, natural transformations are functors \(\cat{I} \to \cat{D}^\cat{C}\). Now, a pretty natural thing to ask is that functor categories be exponential objects in \(\Cat\), in which case we get an isomorphism between functors \(\cat{I} \to\cat{D}^\cat{C}\) and \(\cat{I} \times \cat{C} \to \cat{D}\) via Currying and recover the definition of natural transformations. In other words, the definition of natural transformations is the one that makes \(\Cat\) a cartesian closed category.


Given the following functors:

\[\cat{A} \overset{F}\longrightarrow \cat{B} \overset{G}{\underset{H}\rightrightarrows} \cat{D} \overset{E} \longrightarrow \cat{E}\]

and a natural transformation \(\alpha: G \to H\), one can obtain the two following natural transformations:

One can immediately check that the naturality squares of \(\alpha\) are preserved under left/right whiskering, and that both \(\alpha F\) and \(E\alpha\) are indeed natural transformations.

The Yoneda Lemma

The Yoneda lemma is a fundamental result relating a (locally small) category to functors from the category to sets. It turns out that this functor category is quite useful since some results in \(\Set\) translate naturally to it, which in turn translate to the category we started with through the Yoneda embedding:

\[\hom{C}{a, b} \simeq \hom{\funcat{C, \Set}}{\hom{C}{a, -}, \hom{C}{b, -}}\]

In particular, two elements are isomorphic whenever their Hom-functors are naturally isomorphic i.e. whenever their Hom-sets are isomorphic (TODO show this). In other words, knowing an object is really the same as knowning how it releates to other objects.

But first things first: let’s start with Hom-functors.

Hom Functors

Let \(\cat{C}\) be a locally small category and \(\Set\) be the category of sets. Let us also fix some object \(a \in \Ob{C}\), and consider the two following functors:

Covariant Hom-Functor

\(H^a = \hom{C}{a, -}\) relates sets of morphisms starting at \(a\) by post-composition:

\[\begin{align} H^a: \cat{C} &\to \Set\\ x &\mapsto \hom{C}{a, x} \\ (f: x \to y) &\mapsto H^a(f): \hom{C}{a, x} \to \hom{C}{a, y} = (g \mapsto f \circ g) = f_*\\ \end{align}\]

Contravariant Hom-Functor

\(H_a = \hom{C}{-, a}\) relates sets of morphisms ending at \(a\) by pre-composition:

\[\begin{align} H_a: \op{C} &\to \Set\\ x &\mapsto \hom{C}{x, a} \\ (f: y \to x) &\mapsto H_a(f): \hom{C}{x, a} \to \hom{C}{y, a} = (g \mapsto g \circ f) = f^*\\ \end{align}\]

Representable Functors

One can easily check that both \(H^a\) and \(H_a\) are indeed functors. \(H_a\) and \(H^a\) are sometimes called the (covariant, contravariant) representable functors, and any functor naturally isomorphic to one of them is called a representable functor.


Let us consider some other functor \(F: \op{C} \to \Set\) and a natural transformation \(\alpha: H_a \to F\) with naturality square as follows:


for some morphism \(h: x \to y\). Should \(\alpha\) exist, what should it necessarily satisfy? At this point, the only information available is that \(H_a(a)\) contains at least the identity morphism \(\id_a\), so let us examine how \(\alpha\) should act on it along both sides of the naturality square:

\[\begin{matrix} \id_a &\longmapsto& \id_a \circ h &\longmapsto & \alpha_x(h) \\ \id_a &\longmapsto& \alpha_a\block{\id_a} &\longmapsto & F(h)\block{\alpha_a\block{\id_a}} \\ \end{matrix}\]

That is: once we know the value of \(\alpha_a\block{\id_a}\) in \(F(a)\), there is no choice left when computing \(\alpha_x: H_a(x) \to F(x)\) for any object \(x\). Given any morphism \(h \in H_a(x)\), we map it by \(F\) to obtain a \(F(h): F(a) \to F(x)\), and feed it with \(\alpha_a\block{\id_a}\) to get \(\alpha_x(h)\).

This means that a natural transformation \(\alpha: H_a \to F\) is entirely determined by the value of \(\alpha_a\block{\id_a} \in F(a)\). We may easily check that this is also sufficient i.e. that \(\alpha\) with components computed as above by picking any value for \(\alpha_a\block{\id_a} \in F(a)\) does indeed define a natural transformation. In other words, there is a one-to-one correspondence between possible \(\alpha\)’s and elements of \(F(a)\):

\[F(a) \simeq \hom{\funcat{\op{C}, \Set}}{H_a, F}\]

which is the Yoneda lemma, in this case for the contravariant representable functor \(H_a\). The argument is the same for the covariant case. This isomorphism is natural in both \(a\) and \(F\), meaning that the two following squares commute:

\[\begin{matrix} F(a) & \overset{\simeq}{\longrightarrow} & \hom{\funcat{\op{C}, \Set}}{H_a, F} \\ \downarrow & & \downarrow \\ F(b) & \underset{\simeq}{\longrightarrow} & \hom{\funcat{\op{C}, \Set}}{H_b, F} \\ \end{matrix} \quad\quad\quad \begin{matrix} F(a) & \overset{\simeq}{\longrightarrow} & \hom{\funcat{\op{C}, \Set}}{H_a, F} \\ \downarrow & & \downarrow \\ G(a) & \underset{\simeq}{\longrightarrow} & \hom{\funcat{\op{C}, \Set}}{H_a, G} \\ \end{matrix}\]

To make sense of the vertical arrows in the first diagram, we first need to show that \(H\) is itself a functor: this way a morphism \(f: b \to a\) induces a morphism \(H_f: H_b \to H_a\) and we may map hom-set \(\hom{\funcat{\op{C}, \Set}}{H_a, F}\) to \(\hom{\funcat{\op{C}, \Set}}{H_b, F}\) using pre-composition by \(H_f\) as before, only this time in the functor category. Then we follow an element \(x_a \in F(a)\) along both sides of the square:

\[\begin{matrix} x_a &\longmapsto & F(-)\block{x_a} &\longmapsto &F(-)\block{x_a} \circ H_f\\ x_a &\longmapsto & x_b = F(f)\block{x_a} &\longmapsto & F(-)\block{x_b}\\ \end{matrix}\]

where \(F(-)\block{x_a}: H_a \to F\) is the natural transformation corresponding to \(x_a\) and the vertical composition between functors \(H_b \overset{H_f}{\longmapsto} H_a \overset{F(-)\block{x_a}}\longmapsto F\) is used. Therefore we need to show that \(F(-)\block{x_b} = F(-)\block{x_a} \circ H_f\), and for this we need to make sense of \(H_f\) first. So let us show that \(H\) is indeed a functor.

Yoneda Embedding

Let us consider the Yoneda embedding, which is defined as the following functor:

\[\begin{align} H_{-}: \cat{C} &\to \funcat{\op{C}, \Set}\\ a &\mapsto H_a \\ (f: a \to b) &\mapsto H_{f}: H_a \to H_b \\ \end{align}\]

For \(H_f\) to be a natural transformation (i.e. a morphism of the functor category \(\funcat{\op{C}, \Set}\)) from \(H_a\) to \(H_b\), it must have components \(\block{H_f}_x: H_a(x) \to H_b(x)\), that is:

\[\block{H_f}_x: \hom{C}{x, a} \to \hom{C}{x, b}\]

As before we’re mapping hom-sets, so the natural choice given \(f: a \to b\) is to post-compose by \(f\):

\[\block{H_f}_x = (g \mapsto f \circ g) = f_*\]

Given a morphism \(h: y \to x\), the naturality square for \(H_f\) is the following:


In order to check that this diagram is indeed commutative, we start from any morphism \(g: x \to a \in H_a(x)\) and follow both sides of the diagram:

\[\begin{matrix} g &\overset{H_a(h) = h^*}\longmapsto & g \circ h &\overset{\block{H_f}_y = f_*}\longmapsto & f \circ (g \circ h) \\ g &\overset{\block{H_f}_x = f_*}\longmapsto & f \circ g &\overset{H_b(h) = h^*}\longmapsto & (f \circ g) \circ h \\ \end{matrix}\]

The associativity of morphism composition shows that the naturality square above indeed commutes, and that the Yoneda embedding is indeed a functor. But now equipped with the Yoneda lemma, we may take \(F=H_b\) and obtain:

\[H_b(a) = \hom{C}{a, b} \simeq \hom{\funcat{\op{C}, \Set}}{H_a, H_b}\]

which shows that the Yoneda embedding is fully faithful (thus indeed an embedding): morphisms in \(\hom{C}{a, b}\) are in one-to-one correspondence with natural transformations in \(\hom{\funcat{\op{C}, \Set}}{H_a, H_b}\). As a consequence, any locally small category \(\cat{C}\) can be viewed as a subcategory of (embedded in) the category of contravariant functors from itself to sets (presheaves), much like any group can be seen as a subgroup of permutations of its underlying set.

Covariant Case

All of the above translates directly to the covariant case, giving. We simply remark that the Yoneda embedding becomes contravariant:

\[H^{-}: \op{C} \to \funcat{C, \Set}\]


The Yoneda lemma applied to the category of Haskell types \(\Hask\) (where objects are types, morphisms are functions, functors are type constructors and natural transformations are polymorphic functions) gives the following:

The covariant version essentially states that values are equivalent to their CPS transformation.

Initial and Terminal Objects

An object \(1 \in \Ob{c}\) is called initial if there exists a unique morphism from this object to any object \(y \in \Ob{C}\) in the category:

\[1 \overset{!}\longrightarrow y\]

From this definition, one can immediately check that initial objects (provided they exist) are unique up to unique isomorphism. To see why, let us consider two initial objects \(x_1\) and \(x_2\). Since both are initial, all the morphisms on the following diagram are unique:

\[\underset{\underset{\id_{x_1}}\circlearrowright}{x_1} \overset{f}{\underset{g}{\rightleftarrows}} \underset{\underset{\id_{x_2}}\circlearrowleft}{x_2}\]

Therefore, \(f \circ g = \id_{x_2}\) and \(g \circ f = \id_{x_1}\), which provides the isomorphism. Moreover, both \(f\) and \(g\) are unique, so the isomorphism is unique. Dually, a terminal object is an initial object in \(\op{C}\): an object \(0\) is terminal if there exists a unique morphism from every object to the terminal object.


Limits and Colimits


Let us consider a locally small category \(\cat{C}\), three objects \(a, b, a \times b \in \Ob{C}\) and two morphisms \(\pi_1: a \times b \to a\) and \(\pi_2: a \times b \to b\). The object \(a \times b\) is called the product of \(a\) and \(b\) if, and only if, it satisifies the following universal property:

For every object \(c \in \Ob{C}\) with morphisms \(f: c \to a\) and \(g: c \to b\), there exists a unique morphism \(\inner{f, g}: c \to a \times b\) such that the following diagram commutes:

\[\begin{matrix} & & c & & \\ & {}^{f}\swarrow & \downarrow & \searrow^{g} & \\ a &\underset{\pi_1}\longleftarrow& a \times b & \underset{\pi_2}\longrightarrow& b \\ \end{matrix}\]

As with terminal objects, products (if they exist) are unique up to unique isomorphism and the proof is similar. In particular, there is a unique morphism \(\id_{a\times b}\) from the product to itself. Dually, coproducts are products in \(\op{C}\):

\[\begin{matrix} & & c & & \\ & {}^{f}\nearrow & \uparrow & \nwarrow^{g} & \\ a &\underset{i_1}\longrightarrow& a + b & \underset{i_2}\longleftarrow& b \\ \end{matrix}\]






In every example above, we had the following ingredients:

This set of requirements can be expressed very concisely by a natural transformation \(\alpha\) between the constant functor: \(\Delta_u: \cat{J} \to \cat{C}\) and \(D\):

\[\alpha: \Delta_u \to D\]

For every vertex \(j \in \Ob{J}\) the components of \(\alpha\) are:

\[\alpha_j: \Delta_u(j) = u \to D(j)\]

Therefore \(u\) is connected to any object in \(D\). For this reason \(u\) is called the apex of the cone. The naturality square for \(\alpha\) gives us precisely the commutative triangles we need:


Dually, cocones are cones in \(\op{C}\).


We just saw that a cone of shape \(\cat{J}\) and apex \(v\) is an element of \(\hom{\funcat{J, C}}{\Delta_v, D}\). Coming back to the examples above, in each case we had a special cone with the property that any cone of the same shape factorizes though it by a unique morphism. In other words, every cone of this shape is in one-to-one correspondence with the morphism used in its factorization. This can be expressed by the following bijection:

\[\hom{C}{v, u} \simeq \hom{\funcat{J, C}}{\Delta_v, D}\]

But remember that all the examples above also require commutative triangles for the factoring morphism. This suggests that a mere bijection between hom-sets is not enough, and that we instead require some kind of natural isomorphism. The bijection above relates the two following presheaves:

\[\begin{align} H_u: v &\mapsto \hom{C}{v, u} \\ H_D\circ\Delta: v &\mapsto \hom{\funcat{J, C}}{\Delta_v, D} \\ \end{align}\]

The first one is our trusty representable functor, which we already encountered in the Yoneda lemma. It is easy to check that the second one is also a functor: \(\Delta: \cat{C} \to \funcat{J, C}\) is a covariant functor obtained by post-composing morphisms, then we apply the representable functor in \(\funcat{J, C}\). A natural isomorphism between \(H_u\) and \(H_D\circ\Delta\) has the following naturality square:


where \(H_u(f) = (-) \circ f\) and \(\block{H_D \circ \Delta}(f) = H_D\block{\Delta_f} = (-) \circ \Delta_f\). As for the Yoneda lemma, let us follow the images of \(\id_u\), given some morphism \(f: v \to u\):

\[\begin{matrix} \id_u &\longmapsto& f &\longmapsto& \alpha_v(f)\\ \id_u &\longmapsto& \alpha_u\block{\id_u} & \longmapsto & \alpha_u\block{\id_u} \circ \Delta_f\\ \end{matrix}\]

Both right-hand sides refer to the same cone i.e. natural transformation \(\Delta_v \to D\), so the components must match:

\[\begin{align} \block{\alpha_v(f)}_i &= \block{\alpha_u\block{\id_u} \circ \Delta_f}_i \\ &= \block{\alpha_u\block{\id_u}_i} \circ \block{\Delta_f}_i \\ \end{align}\]

Now, it is easily checked that \(\block{\Delta_f}_i\) is simply \(f\) in disguise. \(\alpha_v(f)\) can be any cone with vertex \(v\), so its \(i\)-th component is a morphism \(\block{\alpha_v(f)}_i: v \to D(i)\). Finally, \(\alpha_u\block{\id_u}\) is our special cone, and its \(i\)-th component is a morphism: \(\block{\alpha_u\block{\id_u}_i}: u \to D(i)\). In other words, we have the following commutative triangle:


which are exactly the commutativity conditions we’re looking for, leading to the following definition:

A limit for diagram \(D: \cat{J} \to \cat{C}\) is an object \(u \in \Ob{C}\) together with a natural isomorphism \(\hom{C}{v, u} \simeq \hom{\funcat{J, C}}{\Delta_v, D}\) natural in \(v\). The universal cone for the limit is the one corresponding to \(\id_u\).

In a nutshell:

Equivalently, we can use this property to define morphisms of cones, leading to a cone category, in which the universal cones are the terminal objects. Dually, colimits are limits in \(\op{C}\).



Consider the following functors between two categories \(\cat{C}\) and \(\cat{D}\):

\[\cat{C} \overset{F}{\underset{G}\leftrightarrows} \cat{D}\]

\(F\) and \(G\) are called adjoint functors when there is a natural isomorphism:

\[\hom{D}{Fx, y} \simeq \hom{C}{x, Gy}\]

which is natural in \(x \in \Ob{C}\) and \(y \in \Ob{D}\). This adjunction between \(F\) and \(G\), (\(F\) being the left adjoint and \(G\) being the right adjoint), is denoted by:

\[F \dashv G\]

This means the vertical arrows are in one-to-one correspondance in this diagram:

\[\begin{matrix} x & \rightarrow & Fx \\ \downarrow & & \downarrow \\ Gy & \leftarrow& y\\ \end{matrix}\]

and that this correspondance is stable by pre-composition on \(x\) and post-composition on \(y\). More precisely, given \(f: x' \to x\) we have the following naturality square:

\[\begin{matrix} \hom{D}{Fx, y} & \overset{\hom{D}{Ff, y}}\longrightarrow & \hom{D}{Fx', y} \\ \simeq\ \downarrow \uparrow & & \downarrow \uparrow\ \simeq \\ \hom{C}{x, Gy} & \overset{\hom{C}{f, Gy}}\longrightarrow & \hom{C}{x', Gy} \\ \end{matrix}\]

Likewise, given \(g: y \to y'\) we have the following naturality square:

\[\begin{matrix} \hom{D}{Fx, y} & \overset{\hom{D}{Fx, g}}\longrightarrow & \hom{D}{Fx, y'} \\ \simeq\ \downarrow \uparrow & & \downarrow \uparrow\ \simeq \\ \hom{C}{x, Gy} & \overset{\hom{C}{x, Gg}}\longrightarrow & \hom{C}{x, Gy'} \\ \end{matrix}\]

Alternatively, one can define the adjunction \(F \dashv G\) using a pair of natural transformations:

such that the following diagrams commute (triangle equalities):

\[\begin{matrix} F & \overset{F\eta}\rightarrow & FGF & & GFG & \overset{\eta G}\leftarrow & G \\ & {}_{1_F}\searrow & \downarrow_{\epsilon F} & & {}_{G\epsilon}\downarrow & \swarrow_{1_G}& \\ & & F & & G & & \\ \end{matrix}\]

In other words, round-trips through both functors can be mapped from and into the identity functors, and round-and-forth trips amount to one-ways.

Monoidal Categories, Monoids, Monads

We’ll start with the usual definition of a monoid on a set, and see how to generalize from there. A monoid on set \(M\) is given by:

subject to the following constraints:

In order to make \(M\) a monoid object in the category of sets, we need to shift to a pointfree view of this definition. The unit \(e\) can be seen as a morphism \(e: 1 \to M\), allowing us to express the unitality of \(e\) using the following commutative diagrams:

\[\begin{matrix} M &\overset{(\cdot, e)}\longrightarrow &M\times M & \overset{(e, \cdot)}\longleftarrow & M \\ & {}_1\searrow & \downarrow_* & \swarrow_1 \\ & & M & & \\ \end{matrix}\]

Notice that the singleton set \(1\) is the unit for the cartesian product. Similarly, the associativity condition can be expressed using the following commutative square:

\[\begin{matrix} M\times M\times M& \overset{(\cdot, *)}\longrightarrow & M\times M \\ {}_{(*, \cdot)}\downarrow & & \downarrow_* \\ M \times M & \underset{*}\longrightarrow & M \end{matrix}\]

A monoidal structure on a category \(\cat{C}\) generalizes the above to any category:

As above, \(\otimes\) and \(I\) have to satisfy the unitality triangles and associativity square to behave like the cartesian product of sets. In this general setting, a monoid object in a monoidal category \(\cat{C}\) becomes:

subject to the triangle equalities and associativity squares. Now, given any category \(\cat{C}\), the category of endofunctors \(\funcat{C, C}\) is always a monoidal category, where the product is given by functor composition, and the unit is the identity functor. Monads are monoids in this monoidal category:

A monad on a category \(\cat{C}\) is given by an endofunctor \(T: \cat{C} \to \cat{C}\) together with two natural transformations:

such that the following diagrams commute:

Unit Triangles

\[\begin{matrix} T &\overset{T\eta}\longrightarrow &T^2 & \overset{\eta T}\longleftarrow & T \\ & {}_1\searrow & \downarrow_\mu & \swarrow_1 \\ & & T & & \\ \end{matrix}\]

Associativity Square

\[\begin{matrix} T^3 & \overset{T\mu}\longrightarrow & T^2 \\ {}_{\mu T}\downarrow & & \downarrow_\mu \\ T^2 & \underset{\mu}\longrightarrow & T \end{matrix}\]

In other words, a monad is a well-behaved way of collapsing nested functor applications \(\mu: T^2 \to T\).


The unit for a monad \(M\) is called return:

return :: Monad m => a -> m a

The multiplication is called join:

join :: Monad m => m (m a) -> m a


An algebra for a monad \(\block{T: \cat{C} \to \cat{C}, \eta, \mu}\) is given by:

such that the two following diagrams commute:

\[\begin{matrix} A & \overset{\eta_A}\longrightarrow & T A \\ & {}_1\searrow & \downarrow_\theta \\ & & A \end{matrix}\] \[\begin{matrix} T^2A & \overset{\mu_A}\longrightarrow & T A \\ {}_{T\theta}\downarrow& & \downarrow_\theta \\ TA& \underset{\theta}\longrightarrow& A \end{matrix}\]

In a sense, monads provide syntax for a language built on the category \(\cat{C}\), whereas algebra provide semantics by evaluating terms. A morphism between algebras \(\block{A, \theta}\) and \(\block{B, \phi}\) is defined by a morphism \(f: A \to B\) such that the obvious square commutes:

\[\begin{matrix} TA & \overset{Tf}\longrightarrow & TB \\ {}_{\theta}\downarrow& & \downarrow_\phi \\ A & \overset{f} \longrightarrow & B \end{matrix}\]

Equipped with such morphisms, the algebras for a monad \(T\) form a category \(\mathbb{Alg}(T)\).

Notes & References

  1. classes are a syntactic restriction to avoid logical paradoxes arising when considering e.g. the set of all sets not containing themselves (Russel’s paradox)